
wahba leads the 2000...

at Whitehall Camp last week, I had the opportunity to be on the worship team at Camp Meeting. the speaker was Steve Chiles and the worship leader was Leah Wood -- guess i had to go to pennsylvania to make two major phoenix connections.

we had evening services in the Tabernacle (with 1500-2000 sweaty people) every night - i played bass and/or acoustic during the service.

my highlight of the week had to be friday night. the tabernacle was full because the children, youth, and adults all had service together. Leah, the worship leader, had heard my CD (as well as a few of my songs 'raw' around a campfire one night). she asked me to lead "tug on my heart" during the friday night service!

imagine me, your humble blog-host, leading 2000 folks in a worship song that i co-wrote! the Sidewalk Prophets were my human-karaoke for the event. having just heard the tune for the first time that day, they nailed it.

thanks, Jesus, for giving me that opportunity. i know it's part of the vision you gave me a while back. i'll always remember it as your big, sweet blessing - the huge cherry on top of the banana split of my life that i call leading worship.

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