

by tomorrow, over 1000 hurricane victims will have been flown into Arizona. jodi and I have decided to try and host hurricane Katrina victims. interestingly, when we googled "housing katrina victims" - we got lots of news stories, a few website links, and NO churches or denominations!

if you're in the state of Arizona, the AZ department of housing and urban development (866-641-8102) has a list of those who want to host hurricane victims.

and while we don't necessarily align ourselves politically with MoveOn.org, we've placed an ad on their housing list. pray about this with us....

MoveOn.org just launched a website, http://www.hurricanehousing.org/, to connect your empty beds with hurricane victims who desperately need a place to wait out the storm.
You can post your offer of housing (a spare room, extra bed, even a decent couch) on
http://www.hurricanehousing.org/ or search there for housing if you need it.

MoveOn will pass requests from hurricane victims or relief agencies on to volunteer hosts, who can decide whether or not to respond to a particular request. The host remains anonymous until they reply to someone looking for housing.
I just posted my own offer. I hope you will too, or pass this on to people you know:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

more places to go:

most of these allow you to be specific about who you can house.