
iTunes update

i've recovered all my lost files. as you may remember, when I reformatted my hard drive, itunes removed a bunch of songs from my library (naughty itunes, you're naughty).

i ended up having to download a 3rd party app called podutil. they have a free version of it that rawks! this thing looked at my ipod and my itunes library and automatically figured out what files were missing. among the 114 songs that were erased were entire albums by Copeland and Kings of Leon, VanHalen, the Strokes, Ryan Adams, Kanye West....

but they're finally back. my babies are back! and I'm still trying to talk my entire blogosphere (all 3 of you) into boycotting itunes....


ashdown said...

if you are into boycotting itunes you should check out emusic.com. great site - they have tons of independent music, not so much of the mainstream stuff - but great none the less.

Anonymous said...

boycott - not going to happen.

but thanks for podutil

Chris Marlow said...

Good for you, and what is the alternative?

It seems like all 3 of your readers responded :)

Unknown said...

special thanks to all three of you.

i should have been more specific - boycott of the ITUNES STORE. i guess if i stopped using itunes, the program, i couldn't use my ipod. and I couldn't LIVE without my ipod. :)